
Teacher writing on white board.

We Serve Educators

We at Croker group understand that every educator is different and certain plans are going to affect each person differently. Did you start teaching at an earlier or later age? Did you take any breaks throughout your career? We ask the important questions to advise you in the most appropriate way. We understand the nuances of the state provided pension plans. If you’re in Nebraska and have NPERS, or reside in Iowa and deal with IPERS, our goal is to offer the best advice as someone that doesn’t benefit from you making a certain selection. 

Regardless of which state you live in the biggest thing to remember is that the state documents are irrevocable. When you fill out a state document you can’t go back and make a change or correct a mistake. It’s important to have a trustworthy person or financial advisor walk you through the process to ensure you know exactly which options to pick so that you’re not making that mistake.

Specialized Solutions for Educators

Is your State Pension going to be enough?


At Croker Group we stress the importance of a 403(b), as most educators are under the assumption that the state-provided pension is all they will need for retirement. In reality, the state-provided pension tends to provide somewhere between 50 and 60 percent of your pre-retirement income. National statistics typically state most retirees need closer to 90 percent of their pre-retirement income when they retire. 

The Lincoln Investment family of companies nor any of its representatives are affiliated with the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems (NPERS) or Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement Systems (IPERS); and NPERS and IPERS do not sponsor, authorize, or endorse the retirement educational services described in this or other communications of Lincoln Investment.